Women Who Travel

February Horoscope 2023: Why This Month Is Ideal for Beach Getaways and Group Trips

Professional astrologer Kirah Tabourn reads your monthly horoscope—and spells out how it may shape your travels.
February Horoscope 2023 Why This Month Is Ideal for Beach Getaways and Group Trips
Lin Chen

Your February horoscope 2023 brings lots of good news. The month kicks off with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn in Aquarius, making it an especially social time. Ruled by Saturn, Aquarius is a sign that speaks to social order, groups and communities, and the ideas necessary to improve societal systems. When planets are in Aquarius, you may notice yourself making connections with people who share similar interests, mindsets, or goals, in ways that make everyone involved feel more supported. When it comes to travel, it’s important to reflect on the fact that, while you may or may not fit into every space you enter, there is always common ground to be found. 

The month also begins with a full moon in Leo on Sunday, February 5, bringing an awareness to your capacity to show up as your whole, authentic self. While not everything associated with the sign Leo is dramatic, this full moon definitely has some flare to it, so expect the unexpected. If you’re traveling on February 5, don’t over schedule yourself, as there will be plenty happening in the sky—allowing the weekend to flow naturally with spontaneous plans is better than packing too much into an already hectic time. (However if you do want a fool-proof Leo full moon activity, go for karaoke—Leo is the sign of the performer, after all, and loves being on stage.)

Venus travels through one of its favorite signs, Pisces, until February 19, marking a special moment in the year when you may encounter an overflow of love, sweetness, creativity, and compassion. The fun doesn’t stop there, either: the Sun and Moon join together in Pisces on Sunday, February 19, with a new moon that invites you to set intention around the type of magic you’d like to create this year (and do it now, as new challenges will raise their heads in the upcoming months). Pisces season is also a great time to travel, especially to places where water is central to the experience. Whether you’re headed toward the ocean, a waterfall, hot springs, a spa, a lake, or even a river, Pisces season (February 19 to March 20) is the time to experience the cleansing and renewal that only water can offer. Take advantage of it!

Read on for your February horoscope 2023.

Astrologer's note: Below we refer to your signs as “rising” signs, also known as your ascendant sign. Horoscopes are more accurate when read this way—using your birth time and location, you can quickly find your rising sign online (it takes less than 30 seconds).

Lin Chen

Aries Rising

It’s a beautiful month for travel. With your ruling planet, Mars, finally moving direct and picking up speed, you will find more direction, clarity, and focus in your day-to-day actions. If you’ve been on the road for a while, maybe you’re planning to return home in March or April. For those setting out on new journeys this month, the joy in your travels is likely to come from the quieter, solo moments you can carve out for yourself. A long walk outdoors that allows you to wander, a nice spa day with a relaxing soak, a time on your own in the ocean—these are the experiences that can pull you into the present and remind you of your connection to the world. You can also look forward to the Leo full moon at the top of the month on Sunday, February 5, which will light up your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and play. Spend this first weekend prioritizing things that spark joy and feeds your soul. 

A thirst for new experiences and new perspectives might also be overwhelming at this point, so if you don’t have any trips planned right now, it’s a great time to start considering where you’d like to go, especially this spring. Jupiter, the planet responsible for your international travel and general worldview, is in Aries until May 16, making it an excellent time to expand your horizons. While solo travel can be extremely rejuvenating this month, Aquarius season is all about community and connection. When was the last time you planned a fun trip with friends? Over the last three years, you’ve had to create and maintain boundaries within certain friendships, while letting go of others. February presents an important opportunity to reflect on your community, and make commitments to yourself and others about how you’d like to engage with your network going forward.

Taurus Rising

Have you been missing your friends? It’s time to take a break from all of the hard work and balance it out with some play. Venus, your ruling planet, entered Pisces on January 27, and will remain there until Sunday, February 19, reconnecting you with the people you know and love, as well as new friendly faces in an expansion of your social circle. Try to be intentional about the people you choose to spend time with this month and do your best to be present with them. Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7, starting a new three-year journey that will solidify your place within the communities you choose to be a part of. It could be a great time to begin planning to connect with friends overseas later this year, and maybe even a group trip or retreat where you could meet other like-minded travelers. The Pisces new moon on Sunday, February 19, offers a fresh new outlook on your approach to connecting with your network. You’re bound to feel some soul-level connections if you put yourself out there. 

While friendship and community aspirations are on your mind, you’re simultaneously wrapping up three years of evolution when it comes to your career. Take time to reflect on how much you’ve accomplished and all of the hard work you put in since 2020, and celebrate your achievements. You did that. Then, think about which chapters you want to bring to an end, which could look like saying goodbye to a certain career path and starting a new one, or finally accomplishing long-set goals. A celebratory trip is in store, especially if you enjoy solo travel. When your chart ruler, Venus, enters Aries on February 19, you’ll feel a significant pull toward solitude and contemplation. Physical or action-oriented activities can be really relieving and cathartic for you at this time, as they’ll help guide you to the rest you need. 

Gemini Rising

The month fully kicks off with a full moon in Leo, beckoning you to get out and about close to home. See what concerts are playing nearby, make reservations for a great meal, maybe book a karaoke night. And while the moon lights up your local world, the sun in Aquarius brightens your higher mind, setting your focus toward faraway lands and a desire to experience different cultures, but differently than how you’ve done so in recent years. Whether you’ve done quite a bit of travel over the last three years, traveled mainly for obligation, or your opportunities to travel were limited in other ways, February provides an opportunity to reflect on how your worldview and mindset have changed since Saturn first entered Aquarius in March of 2020—especially as it will leave on March 7, not to return for another 30 years. The mental and spiritual shifts you’ve experienced during this phase have made their mark and will carry you through the next three decades. Your experiences of other cultures and different ways of living have deeply influenced your perspective on your own life and how you want to improve the world.

Your chart ruler, the celestial messenger Mercury, enters Aquarius on Saturday, February 11, where it will be until Thursday, March 2, marking a period of heightened clarity about how you’d like to move forward over the next few months. You may feel called toward a particular area of study, or you could feel ready to take steps to plan your next adventure. Either way, you’ll be ready to commit to a certain path, so do so with gumption. 

Meanwhile, your social circle seems to be growing by the day, and it would be wise to take advantage of any opportunities to connect with peers in your field or area of expertise, as you never know what could come through the connections you make. Jupiter, deemed the “Greater Benefic,” the planet of expansion, knowledge, and aspirations, is in Aries, your 11th house of community, friends, and colleagues. On Sunday, February 19, Venus will join Jupiter in Aries (and you’ll be able to see them together in the sky at sunset), blessing your community connections. This good energy extends into March, so soak it up. You’re likely to meet someone special during this time. 

Cancer Rising

Life begins to pick up in pace in February, which is likely welcome news, though most of your energy this month is focused on transitions; out of the dark and into the light. Any feelings of stagnancy around your career, your creativity, finances, or your relationships (or lack thereof) are more than valid. This month, you’re not only ready to implement  necessary changes, you finally feel like you have the capacity to make them happen. So much shifts this spring, and these few short weeks of February present you with the right amount of time and space you need to bring old stories to a close, whether that means making and honoring commitments to yourself or others, it’s time. 

A full moon in Leo brings a stark spotlight to your second house of finances and material items on Sunday, February 5. This could be a moment when you’re ready to make a big purchase, especially if you have travel on your mind. Is there a destination that you know you’re definitely going to this year but haven’t bought tickets for? If you’re looking to apply for a new travel rewards credit card or buy, say, shiny new camping equipment, you may find a good deal this weekend. With all planets direct and moving forward, you should feel more solid about purchases made in February than you did in January. 

If you’re traveling this month, you may feel especially lucky in the experiences you encounter. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure is in Pisces, your ninth house of travel and foreign lands, until Sunday, February 19. Luckily the good travel vibes continue after Venus leaves, as the Sun enters Pisces the day prior, Saturday, February 18, and a Pisces new moon lights up this area of your life on February 19. It’s an especially lovely time to be traveling with friends, colleagues, or other members of your community, as well as an excellent opportunity to experience local culture wherever you are. If you’re at home this month, finding ways to connect with other cultures, especially those of your own lineage or heritage, through food, art, music, and fashion, can feel especially nourishing. 

Lin Chen

Leo Rising

It’s a very relationship-oriented month for you as the Sun and Mercury travel through Aquarius, the opposite sign to Leo and your seventh house of partnerships and companions. For the last three years, since March 2020, Saturn, the planet of responsibility, restriction, hard work, and commitment has been moving through Aquarius. You’ve likely had challenges involving your relationships with others, whether you solidified some important partnerships or had to end others. Throughout the month of February, you’re given opportunities to wrap up any loose ends in this area of your life, cutting off pairings that don't serve you and making lasting commitments to ones that you’re confident are meant to stay. 

Expect to encounter a bit of turbulence at the top of the month as the Sun, your ruler, clashes with liberation and authenticity-oriented Uranus on Friday, February 3, followed by a full moon in Leo the following day, Sunday, February 5. This could be a time when a spotlight is placed on you without warning, where you’re expected to perform, and when you might not feel up to it. 

The good news is that there’s plenty of fun to have this month, especially while traveling. In addition to all of the important relationship-oriented activity happening in February, Jupiter in Aries will gift you opportunities to expand your horizons. Venus joins those efforts on Sunday, February 19 when it enters Aries. Venus and Jupiter are considered the “benefics'' planets in astrology as they support topics like love, beauty, pleasure, growth, truth, and wealth. These two teaming up in your ninth house of foreign lands, international travel, and different cultures presents a rare opportunity to experience the finer aspects of life while on the go. If you’re single and open to it, love could be awaiting you abroad as Venus moves through Aries (February 19 to March 15). For those partnered, some time away with your other half may end up being the highlight of your year. If you aren’t able to get out of town, try to tap into a different country in another way, even if that just means visiting a cultural hub in your own city (like your nearest Chinatown or Little Ethiopia). Either way, beautiful opportunities will come through being open to a shift in your mindset and, thus, your life. 

Virgo Rising

The month starts with the Leo full moon on Sunday, February 5, offering you a moment to embody the hermit archetype long associated with Virgo. Take a break from work, even if it’s just for the weekend—if you’re able to get away for a day or two, or even for a few hours, do it. A beach vacation would be great, but anywhere you can get some extra sun should suffice. It’s been a long three years of feeling trapped in the day-to-day life you’ve been living and change is coming, but reflection is important when you’re on the precipice of change—you want to be intentional about your next journey and the next steps you need to take. Sometimes it’s helpful to unwind in a safe environment, in order to find enough release and relief, allowing you to approach the next few weeks with more clarity and focus.

Your chart ruler, Mercury, is finally direct and picking up speed in February, finishing up its journey through Capricorn. What has changed about your relationship to your own pleasure and joy over the last two months? To reflect and maybe celebrate any wins, big or small, do something for yourself in the first 10 days of the month while Mercury is still in Capricorn. Be intentional about it, and choose something that genuinely brings you joy and supports your wellbeing. On Saturday, February 11, Mercury will enter Aquarius, drawing your focus back toward work. Turn to the reflection you did earlier in the month: How do you want to move forward in the next phase of your life health-wise and career-wise? Making your work benefit you should be a top priority. 

Relationships are also about to experience big change over the next three years, beginning early next month, but the shift is kicked off by the Pisces new moon on Sunday, February 19. This is a chance to set some intentions for what you’d like to experience in relationships over the next few years, whether you’re partnered or single, focused on the romantic or platonic. What do you want out of your closest partnerships? What are your needs? The new moon brings light to existing challenges but provides hope for moving forward. 

Libra Rising

February offers many moments to reflect on Saturn’s journey through Aquarius, your fifth house of pleasure, fun, and creativity over the last three years. Since March 2020, you’ve taken on the responsibility of taking charge of your joy, and learning what truly makes you happy. This has been anything but easy, yet you’ve made so many important strides that you should be proud of. For the last few weeks of Saturn in Aquarius, you’re invited to make commitments to yourself—and others—around creating intentional experiences for yourself and community, as well as a commitment to your creative and sensual practices. Find some time to celebrate yourself by planning an activity that fuels genuine feelings of joy, pleasure, fun, creativity, or sensuality. 

In contrast to your personal desires, a full moon in Leo on Sunday, February 5, highlights your connection to friends and community, which will be a major theme for you come summer. Your ruling planet, Venus, will be spending an extended period of four months (June to October) in Leo, your 11th house of friends, groups and community, so it could be a good time to plan ahead for a group trip. For now, though, spending the full moon weekend with people who love and support you is a non-brainer. 

For the majority of February, however, you’ll be focused on work. In fact, it’s likely that you’re excelling in that area during this time, being recognized for the work you do, or finding satisfaction in your job. Venus, your ruling planet, travels through Pisces, your sixth house of work, health, and lifestyle, until February 19, infusing joy and ease into your day-to-day routine. You have a special type of charm that comes out when you’re working in service to others. If you’re looking for a new job moving into the new year, February is a great time to start putting yourself out there through applications. Be sure to talk to friends, mentors, and old colleagues about your desires for new work as you never know who could help you out. The Sun enters Pisces on Sunday, February 19, and a new moon occurs in the sign, inviting you to set intentions around the work you’d like to be doing over the next few years. 

Scorpio Rising

Slowly but surely the pace of life begins to pick up speed in February as your planetary ruler, Mars, moves forward after a retrograde period that ended in January. With a slow increase to your stamina and motivation, you’re feeling more confident and focused every day. On Saturday, March 25, Mars will finally leave Gemini where it’s been since August 2022 to enter Cancer, your ninth house of international travel. If you’re looking for an escape, try to plan an adventure during Mars’ journey through Cancer from March 25 to May 20. 

A full moon in Leo kicks off the month lighting up your 10th house of career and vocation, which will provide a moment of recognition or visibility in the work you do. There is a feeling of being exposed or pushed into the spotlight this full moon, so do your best to take it in stride and with pride. It’s an important contrast to the more personal, private, and familial challenges you’ve been steadily working through over the past three years as Saturn has moved through Aquarius, your fourth house of home, family, and roots. 

February offers the chance to finally turn a page in your home life. You may be making final decisions around personal family matters, or you may be choosing where you want to live and plant roots for the long term. Regardless, reflect on your homecoming journey over the last three years and prepare to wrap up that story over the month of February—when Saturn leaves Aquarius on March 7, a brand new era will begin. In contrast to the more sobering work around home and family, February also offers time to find pleasure and relief through intentional experiences. Go out dancing with a partner or close friends, see a movie, get crafty, etc. It’s an opportunity to have fun in ways you’ve felt too stifled to experience as of late, and it’s an especially great time to connect with others, romantically or platonically. If you’re single, date nights in the first two weeks of the month are likely to be a success. 

Lin Chen

Sagittarius Rising 

Aquarius season offers you some reprieve from work and an opportunity to get out and about without straying too far. You’ve placed a lot of importance on involvement in your local community over the last three years as Saturn traveled through Aquarius. In early March, Saturn will make its way out of Aquarius and into Pisces, beginning a new three-year story for you around family, home, and your roots. So, spend some intentional time exploring this month, whether in your city, a nearby one, or wherever you’re currently traveling. You may make some new, potentially life-changing connections. You never know what’s out there for you, whether you’re browsing the market, strolling through a park, or having lunch at a new spot in town every week. It’s also a fun time to get around in a new way. If you’re traveling, walking or bike tours could be an enjoyable way to explore a new city. At home, it’s a great month for a road trip or more action-oriented activities like snowboarding or ice skating. 

A full moon in Leo on Sunday, February 5, is a welcomed contrast to the familiar, as it lights up your ninth house of international travel, and different people, places, and cultures. If you’re traveling during this time, it’s an excellent weekend to fully immerse yourself in the culture of wherever you find yourself. Eat local cuisine, and take in some entertainment, whether it's a concert, comedy show, or sporting event—the idea is to be open to seeing the world from a new perspective. It shouldn’t be too hard to convince you to try something new: Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been making its way through Aries, your fifth house of joy, entertainment, and creativity. It gets even better when Venus joins the party on Sunday, February 19, creating an environment for you to have some of the most fun you’ve had in years. Live it up! Transits like this don’t come around every day. A Pisces new moon on February 19 draws your attention to your home and family, bringing up questions about where you’re based. Do you like where you live? Is there potential for a shift in the future? What is your connection to the land you live on, and is it fulfilling? You don’t need answers to these questions just yet, but start to think about them as they will become even more important from March onward.   

Capricorn Rising

Slowly but surely the year is finally starting to take shape and you’re feeling more capable of planning for the future come February. This month, you’re presented with the cosmic paperwork for your financial journey over the last three years. Your relationship with your finances, patterns around not having enough, and feeling worthy has been steadily evolving since Saturn entered Aquarius in March 2020. Here we are, almost three years later, and you’re just about ready to receive your certificate of completion from your ringed planetary ruler for having done so much learning. You’ve accomplished so much, internally and externally, and February offers you many moments of reflection and gratitude for the hard work you’ve put in. Finally, you can look toward renewal and relief. 

As the Sun and Mercury travel through Aquarius to meet up with Saturn in your second house of finances this month, you may finally feel ready to make some big purchases that you’ve held off on for a while. The most exciting aspect of 2023 is the fact that from March 7 onward, your ruling planet Saturn will be in Pisces, a place in your chart related to movement, transportation, communication, and becoming familiar with your local area. If you’ve been especially cooped up since the start of the pandemic, you may be ready to start exploring more—in which case, feel confident to pull the trigger on booking flights, accommodations, or purchasing essential gear. If you’re still trying to decide how you want to make your re-entry into the world, consider starting small and local. A staycation in your city or a nearby one could be a nice way to test the waters. Look for a cute hotel and make restaurant reservations—or maybe a cabin getaway with a delicious home-cooked dinner is more your style. Regardless, you don’t have to go all out. Take it all at your own pace, for there will be plenty of opportunities to explore in the months and years to come. 

Aquarius Rising

It’s Aquarius season which means it’s your time to shine. The Sun moves through the quick-witted air sign until Saturday, February 18, literally lighting you up from the inside out. This Aquarius season is a special one, for it’s the last one for 30 years where Saturn, your ruling planet, will be in the sign. The focal point of the month happens on Thursday, February 16, when the sun conjoins Saturn, bringing a close to the three-year journey you’ve been on around your identity, mental and physical health, and your responsibility to take care of and show up for yourself. This has been anything but easy work, but you’ve accomplished so much. It’s important to spend time reflecting on the last three years and all of the growth you’ve experienced since March 2020. A new journey awaits next month, so savor these final moments as you begin to start anew. 

A Leo full moon on Sunday, February 5, brings a spotlight to your relationships and companions in contrast to the self-reflection also prompted. Expect your attention to be drawn to relationship dynamics that may need some attention or restructuring. Issues that arise with this full moon may come back up again later in the year during the Venus retrograde in Leo (July 23 to September 4), so try not to ignore what you’re faced with.

The fun this month comes when Venus joins Jupiter in Aries on Sunday, February 19, where it will remain until March 16. Aries is your third house of local community, familiar places, your town and neighborhood, and transportation. If you’ve been feeling cooped up inside, the latter part of the month presents opportunities to get out. A fun weekend road trip, a movie outing, or even a nice long bike ride could be exactly what you need to clear your mind to get a fresh start to the year. Call up your friends early in the month and make plans together. 

Pisces Rising

The first few weeks of February tends to be a quiet time for you as planets drift through Aquarius, your 12th house of solitude, mental health, observation, and contemplation. You may find yourself wanting to withdraw from social activities more often, preferring your solo time even when you’re in a crowd. You find something cathartic about being alone amongst many people: observing others live their lives helps you process what’s happening in yours. It’s normal to be in your head a bit during this time, but try to be present and accept where you’re at, for valuable insight can be gained in these moments. You may feel drawn to leave town for a short escape, giving you the space needed to clear your mind and return back to your body. A solo trip to another city could be exactly the fix, but if you aren’t able to get out of town, try strolling busy areas where you live for people-watching and mindless wandering. It’s good for the soul, and you probably need a mental health day around this time of year anyway, especially after the Leo full moon on Sunday, February 5, lights up your sixth house of work, health, and lifestyle. If you find yourself exhausted after a busy week, finding some reprieve will be necessary. Plus, Venus is in Pisces until February 19, giving you a glow from the inside out. It's a great time for aesthetic improvements, so if you’re in the mood to switch up your look, go for the bold cut and color, spring for a new power outfit, and let yourself feel empowered by the positive attention you’re getting this month. You deserve it.

After all, since the year began, you’ve had money on your mind for one reason or another. Whether you’re planning on ways to make significant gains in 2023, or you’re just looking to better structure your finances, those plans become a lot more clear and focused in February. Jupiter your ruling planet is moving through Aries, your second house of finances, spending, and material items until mid-May, providing the energy and passion you need to achieve your financial goals this year. On February 19, Venus will join Jupiter in Aries, giving you a feeling of being more resourced than you have in a long time. With a more positive outlook on your financial future, what can you make possible for yourself? Have you been dreaming up future trips? This could be the time to finally book flights and accommodations. October and November are good times for ambitious travels, so you may want to start planning now.

Enjoyed your February 2023 horoscope? Take a look back at January.