Women Who Travel

April 2023 Horoscope: When Travel Will Be the Most Enjoyable This Month, According to Your Sign

Professional astrologer Kirah Tabourn reads your monthly horoscope—and spells out how it may shape your travels.
April 2023 Horoscope When Travel Will Be the Most Enjoyable This Month According to Your Sign
Lin Chen

We kick off April in a noticeably different headspace. Mars is newly in the water sign Cancer, after seven months of limbo in air sign Gemini, so there’s bound to be some adjusting—additionally, we’re a month into Saturn in the water sign Pisces, after three years in the air sign Aquarius. There’s a real element of landing our planes and switching to traveling by boat. The fact that planets like Mars and Saturn have been in air signs for so long means many of us feel dried out and mentally exhausted; rehydration happens through allowing ourselves to deeply and fully feel joy, grief, and everything in between. Those looking to travel this month might find comfort and healing in water, from spas and lakes, to waterfalls and the ocean.

In contrast to the collective softening we experience in April is the blazing, enthusiastic energy of the Sun and Jupiter in Aries. The fire element is associated with the spark of life, the undying light within us all, and the passion, bravery, and zing that gets us out of bed and motivates us to do what we do. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter make their annual exact alignment which tends to be an auspicious day every year as it brings what we’re most grateful for into focus. The following week on Wednesday, April 19, a solar eclipse in Aries further underscores these themes and marks the beginning of eclipse season (a two-week period of back-to-back eclipses that happens every six months). This is the first eclipse in Aries since 2015, beginning a new cycle that will last until late 2024. 

Taurus season begins immediately following the eclipse on April 20, shifting us once again to a slower, more tempered pace. Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus and is associated with love, beauty, nature, and our senses. In Taurus season we’re invited to slow down and enjoy the sweet parts of life. Prioritize pleasure and things like good food, music, and comfortable surroundings. That’s what makes life worth living, right? Mercury stations retrograde the following day on Friday, April 21, leading into a messy weekend for travel—stay closer to home from April 20 to 23 as transport and communication are bound to be slower than usual. This Mercury in Retrograde lasts until May 14, so do your best to plan around those days, but don’t sweat it if you can’t! Just give yourself more time than you think you need on travel days, triple check your belongings, itineraries, and documents (and expiration dates!), and you should be fine. 

Here’s everything else to expect this month, according to your April 2023 horoscope. 

Astrologer's note: Below we refer to your signs as “rising” signs, also known as your ascendant sign. Horoscopes are more accurate when read this way—using your birth time and location, you can quickly find your rising sign online (it takes less than 30 seconds).

Lin Chen

Aries Rising

It’s Aries season—your time to shine. The Sun in Aries lights you up, boosting your confidence and sense of self. Your chart ruler, Mars, finally left Gemini in late March after seven months in the sign, which likely left you ruminating, traveling, busy, and probably a little lost and confused. Now that Mars is in Cancer, your fourth house of home, family, and heritage, you could find yourself settling down somewhere familiar for a few months. It’s a great time to travel to visit family or ancestral lands, or to simply return home from a journey. Let yourself adjust to the change of pace: Mars will be in Cancer until May 20 so you have time to settle in and get comfortable. 

At the top of the month on Monday, April 3, Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus, your second house of finances, spending, and income. You may feel compelled to splurge in travel, such as on new camping gear or language classes. Hold off if possible, though, for Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus on Friday, April 21, which could have you second-guessing travel plans or purchases prior. This doesn’t mean you shouldn't spend at all, but be sure to save receipts, and purchase travel insurance. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

On Wednesday, April 7, a full moon in Libra lights up your seventh house of partnerships, relationships, and companions. This lunation is important as it’s the last full moon in Libra that isn’t an eclipse until 2025, meaning powerful new cycles are starting in this area of life, and this time will give you a glimpse into what’s in store. Pay attention to what stories are emerging within your relationships during this time, as these themes will likely resurface over the next year and a half. The Libra full moon leads to realizations about certain relationships and how they affect you. 

This is contrasted with all of the exciting self-discovery work you’re moving through, especially as Jupiter’s presence in your 1st house of self, identity, and appearance has bolstered your self-esteem and overall optimism about life. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun makes an exact alignment with Jupiter in Aries, which some astrologers refer to as the luckiest day of the year. This is an excellent time for travel, especially long distance. This alignment actually marks the beginning of a new cycle regarding travel, solo exploration, and self-discovery potentially involving spirituality or education. On Wednesday, April 19, eclipse season begins with the first eclipse in Aries since 2015—so believe it or not, this self-discovery journey is just beginning. There’s momentum flowing toward you like never before, so soak it up.

Taurus Rising

At the top of the month, Mercury enters your first house of self, appearance, and identity on Monday, April 3, where it will stay for an unusually long time, until June 11. For you, Mercury is responsible for your finances and your creativity, bringing those topics to the forefront over the next few months and making life a little busier as well. While you may feel overwhelmed with a to-do list during this time, be sure to give yourself plenty of space to complete it, especially with Mercury going retrograde on Friday, April 21. Remind yourself of your priorities and remember: you don’t need to accomplish everything all at once. With Mercury in Taurus, spending will be on your mind quite a bit, which makes it a great time to re-strategize your quarterly budget and look for ways to save, especially when it comes to the pleasurable activities you tend to spend extra on. On Monday, April 10, your ruling planet, Venus, leaves its home sign Taurus and ventures into curious and inquisitive Gemini, which is your second house of finances and spending, further underscoring the focus on money this month. 

A full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, lights up your sixth house of work, health, and lifestyle, drawing your attention to aspects of your career that feel unbalanced. What isn’t working for you? Perhaps you require more alone time, or more time to rest. A new cycle starts this month around these themes, and it isn’t temporary. This full moon in Libra is the last one that won’t be an eclipse for the next two years, meaning you should take this as a gentle nudge toward inevitable change. This is all underscored by the exact alignment between the Sun and Jupiter on Tuesday, April 11, a once-a-year event that is often considered a super lucky day in the year. For you, this happens in a very behind-the-scenes part of your birth chart, the twelfth house of solitude, retreat, and mental health. It’s an excellent time to escape your day-to-day, but if you can’t make it happen this month, don’t sweat it. This pull toward solitude is underscored by an Aries solar eclipse on April 19 that triggers a new 1.5-year cycle raising a number of questions: Who are you when you’re alone? Who are you when you have space to come apart and put yourself back together again? Who are you when you just exist without any qualifiers? It could be a good time to plan a retreat or vacation to follow any periods that you know will be stressful later this year. 

Gemini Rising

On Monday, April 3, your ruling planet Mercury will enter Taurus where it will have an unusually long stay until June 11. Taurus is your twelfth house of solitude, retreat, contemplation, and mental health, so to have your ruling planet there for an extended period speaks to a significant time of being a bit removed from your normal day-to-day. This could be a great time for a longer-term trip or journey, especially one that allows you time and space for solitude in nature, your favorite way to decompress. It’s been a difficult few months for you with Mars traveling through your sign for seven months, so you’re bound to feel burned out and mentally exhausted. Additionally, you’ve been blessed with a lot of social interaction and new connections, but you’ve had little time to recharge. Self-care often looks like logging off and tuning out, so that you’re able to figure out how to put yourself back together. Mercury stays in Taurus for so long this year because it will eventually slow to a stop when it stations retrograde on Friday, April 21. Take any opportunities to get off the grid over the next two months—and take more time than you think you need. 

A full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, lights up your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and entertainment. Revelations about your creative processes could come up around this time, as will realizations about your access to play. Are you being lit up by your hobbies? This full moon invites you to contemplate what you love, and what inspires you. It’s a great week to explore these questions, especially while reveling in solitude. Venus entering Gemini on April 10 further underscores these themes and makes pleasure more accessible to you overall. Flexing your creative muscles could be very healing at this time, so whip out the markers or watercolors, or sign up for pottery class wherever you are.

On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment in Aries, your eleventh house of friends, collaborators, and community. This is a special time to meet new people and form connections that could be especially impactful. There’s potential for both romantic and business partnerships with this alignment, as well as receiving support from someone in your field, like a new mentor. Luckily, this new energy around community connections isn’t going away anytime soon. A solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19, is the first in this position 2015, and it will open the door for new community connections as well as the potential for gaining a larger audience. Balancing these social aspects with your need for solo time may be difficult this month, but both are equally important. 

Cancer Rising

Aries season tends to be a very career and work-oriented time for you as the Sun in Aries lights up your tenth house of vocation, profession, and visibility. Early in the month on Monday, April 3, Mercury will enter Taurus where it will remain for an usually long stay, until June 11. Taurus is your  eleventh house of friends, community, and audience, so this could be an important time for reconnecting with old friends and colleagues.

You may feel like there’s a bit of a spotlight on you these days until Wednesday, April 5, when a full moon in Libra lights up your fourth house of privacy, home, and family. This lunation underscores your needs for comfort, security, and familiarity. It’s an excellent week to visit family or to plan future trips, especially any that involve visiting cultural or ancestral lands. This full moon might also highlight aspects of your current home or family life that are unsatisfactory and ready for change. That doesn’t have to happen right away, but being aware of the problem is the first step in fixing it. 

The contrast between your private life and your professional will continue to be an important theme throughout this year. With Mars, the planet responsible for your career as well as your creativity and pleasure, in Cancer, your first house of self and identity, your work is being brought to the forefront of your life, which probably feels productive after seven months of having trouble making decisions when Mars was in Gemini. It’s time to experiment and have fun when it comes to changes you want to make in your career. It’s not time to strive for perfection, but rather, for pleasure and enjoyment. This is underscored by the alignment of Sun and Jupiter in Aries on Tuesday, April 11. Jupiter is the planet responsible for your international travel and journeys, so this formation could speak to new opportunities to travel, especially for work. This could also look like working with people from faraway places. Take advantage of opportunities to meet new faces and learn about different cultures, while also sharing your own. A solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19 further emphasizes this, beginning a new cycle around career. Expect big changes over the next 1.5 years as eclipses rock this area of your life. You may begin to ask yourself questions about how you want to be seen, and what roles and titles you hope to take on. Overall, it’s an excellent time for career advances, including rebranding, marketing, and becoming more visible in your field. 

Lin Chen

Leo Rising

If there’s a month for you to travel this year, this is it. Aries season tends to be an excellent time for you to take big trips, as the Sun lights up your ninth house of international travel, journeys, and foreign cultures. The Sun is your chart ruler, so its shifts through each sign of the zodiac are the most palpable to you of anyone. When the Sun is in Aries, you get a confidence boost as well as a necessary shift in perspective that reminds you of your passionate spirit. Your perspective on life becomes more clear and more optimistic this month as you open up to your own potential. If you aren’t able to get out of town in April, it’s still a great time for research and planning future trips. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun will form an exact alignment with Jupiter in Aries, noting a special day where insight and opportunity are abound. Your creative juices are flowing around this time, so keep a notepad handy. Don’t feel pressured to fully realize every idea that comes up, but revel in all of the potential and possibilities. 

To continue to punctuate these themes of travel, spirituality, and perspective shifts, a solar eclipse in Aries happens on Wednesday, April 19, the first since 2015. This opens up a new cycle around these themes that continues over the next 1.5 years. Perhaps you feel inspired to teach or share your knowledge in an entirely new way, maybe internationally. The ninth house is all about sharing information on a mass scale, such as through publishing or broadcast media. What do you want to tell the rest of the world?

On Wednesday, April 5, a full moon in Libra highlights your third house of local places, transportation, and communication skills. You could find yourself traveling this day or spending a considerable amount of time in your neighborhood or city. It’s a great day to explore, so try working out of a new coffeeshop, check out a restaurant you've always wanted to try for dinner, or maybe take a long walk or bike ride. This full moon may also be an invitation to showcase your skills, such as speaking a different language or writing; it could also point out where you desire more experience, growth, and study. 

Throughout all of this, Mars is moving through Cancer, your twelfth house of solitude, mental health, and contemplation, creating an internal buzzing and restlessness. Escape through travel or retreat will help settle your mind. Physical activity is also a great remedy, especially if it involves swimming or water sports. Take advantage of any quiet solo time you get over the next two months before Mars enters Leo in May and life really speeds up. 

Finally, the Sun will enter Taurus, your tenth house of career and vocation, on April 20, shifting your focus to this area of life. Ease into this weekend, for it may be a jarring shift leading you to feel a bit exposed or caught off guard at work. Do your best to stay centered. Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus the following day on April 21, marking an extended period of restructuring and reorganization. If you’re looking for a new job, this is a great time to refresh your resume, website, or portfolio. 

Virgo Rising

Aries season tends to be a quieter time for you externally, yet a powerful time for processing and healing internally. It’s important to honor what you’re moving through and to not rush the process. Aries is your eighth house of therapy and emotional processing, as well as more mundane topics such as taxes, loans, and debt. The eighth house is considered a difficult place in the birth chart as it’s associated with topics we tend to want to disregard or put off until later, like facing emotional wounding and attempting to heal past trauma. This Aries season, however, is an excellent time to approach those topics for there is so much potential for actionable change. This comes in contrast to the full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, which pulls focus to your second house of finances, material items, and spending. This full moon shines a light on your relationship to finances and highlights any needs or desires in this area of life, such as higher income or purchases you want to make, or the need to save and budget more effectively. While the full moon in Libra invites you to examine how you can bring in more of what you want and need financially, the Sun in Aries reveals the ways in which you need to rely on others to help fulfill other material or emotional needs. This is further highlighted by the auspicious alignment of the Sun and Jupiter on April 11, which could present an opportunity to give or receive support to a partner or loved one. Eclipse season begins on April 19 with a solar eclipse in Aries, officially starting off a cycle related to mutual care and support over the next 1.5 years. It’s time to imagine a life where you are taken care of as much as you take care of others. 

Meanwhile, your ruling planet Mercury enters Taurus on Monday, April 3, where it will remain for an unusually long stay until June 11, because of its upcoming retrograde. Taurus is your ninth house of international travel, foreign people, and cultures, as well as spirituality and study. Your ruling planet spending an extended amount of time in this area of your life makes this an excellent time to travel and explore. Be curious. Venus, the planet that rules your ninth house, is moving through Gemini, your tenth house of career, so you could find yourself traveling for work, or working with people from different countries and cultures. If you find yourself abroad during this time, expect travel delays around the retrograde station on April 21, but other than that, use this as a period to practice your language skills, embark on a new area of study in a region that is culturally significant to you, or simply spend time exploring. Your travel bug is here to stay for a while as the Sun enters Taurus on April 20, to be joined by Jupiter in May. Ask yourself: What do you want to see, and how can travel to other places open your eyes? 

Libra Rising

Aries season tends to be a social time for you, but the themes of connection and relationships are here to stay throughout the year, thanks to events that kick off in April. We start the month with Mercury entering Taurus, your eighth house of therapy, giving and receiving support, and more mundane topics like taxes, loans, and debts. Mercury will stay in Taurus for an extended period of time this year–over two months–as it will station retrograde here on April 21 (yes, this is a friendly reminder to get your taxes in early this year). With Mercury spending so much time in your eighth house, you have more time and space to focus on healing, especially emotional wounds and traumas that you haven’t adequately processed. If you don’t already have a therapist, this could be a good time to find one, or reach out to a trusted mentor or friend who can hold space for you. A full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, lights up your first house of identity, body, and appearance, putting the spotlight directly on you. This full moon sheds light on aspects of your identity that you’re ready to let go of, change or transform. Be sure to approach this without judgment, for there are often seasons in our lives that are right for letting go, and this full moon signals a gentle beginning of that process. Again, seek support in this process, and know that there is no rush whatsoever. 

This mirror you’re beginning to hold up to yourself this month is in contrast to the connections you’re making, ones you already have that are deepening, and new sparks. With both the Sun and Jupiter moving through Aries, your seventh house of relationships and partnerships, there are more opportunities for meeting new people than you’ve experienced in the last few years. Try not to take these new connections for granted, as you never know where they could lead later in life. If you feel a spark with someone, foster it, follow it, and see what it can turn into. Remember that the people we meet on vacation are those you may not bump into by chance again—crystallize change encounters. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter will form an exact alignment, a special moment that takes place every year, but only in Aries every 12 years. This could be a great day to connect with siblings, close friends, or even coworkers. Revel in the good feelings and feel gratitude for the people in your life. The relational energy doesn’t stop there: On Wednesday, April 19, a solar eclipse in Aries initiates a new 1.5-year cycle around relationships where you’ll be tested to learn how to reclaim and maintain your identity within connections to others. 

On Monday, April 10, your ruling planet, Venus, enters Gemini, setting the stage for a lighter, curious few weeks ahead. Gemini is your ninth house of international travel, education, and spirituality, and Venus will be here until May 7, making this an awesome time for new adventures. You could find yourself traveling for work or study, potentially going the distance to get work done in a new place that stimulates your mind. Regardless, expect to be out and about, and stay inquisitive and friendly as you journey, for there are plenty of opportunities for enlightening conversations that could shift your perspective in positive ways. 

Scorpio Rising

Finally, a breath of fresh air. Even if you aren’t exactly where you want to be, you’re in a more familiar or comfortable place than you have been lately. Work has likely taken up a big part of your life since last fall, but now that your ruling planet, Mars, has finally left Gemini after seven months, you’re offered opportunities to get out of your day-to-day and have some experiences that might shift your perspective on life. Mars is now in Cancer, your ninth house of international travel, journeys, education, and spirituality. It’s a great time for foreign travel as Mars will be here until May 20. You could find yourself traveling over an extended period of time throughout the next two months. Even if it's not the most luxurious travel experience, any relief will be appreciated at this point. You could be traveling for work or you might need to work while traveling, but regardless, make the most of it. A journey is a journey. 

On Wednesday, April 5, a full moon in Libra takes place in your twelfth house of solitude, retreat, and mental health. This spotlight on wellness might lead to a desire to pull away and get out of town. Because this full moon takes place in the middle of the week and at the top of the month, you may not have time to get away, however a day spa moment might be helpful—even just an afternoon or evening alone can help you feel more replenished. Finding peaceful moments amidst busy or stressful times will continue to be an important skill as eclipses start shaking up this area of life for you later this year. This full moon in Libra stands in stark contrast to the action happening in Aries, your sixth house of work, service, and wellness. The Sun and Jupiter are enlivening this part of your life throughout the month, but a special moment happens on Tuesday, April 11, when the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment in Aries. This is an important time for you when it comes to your work and finances. This alignment could offer some relief after months of hard work that hasn’t seemed to be going anywhere. This new cycle will continue throughout the next year and a half. If this shows up as a loss for you in any way, rejoice, as you are being relieved from an unnecessary burden—have faith. The first solar eclipse in Aries since 2015 takes place the following week on Wednesday, April 19, underscoring these themes. 

On Thursday, April 20, the Sun enters Taurus shining a light on your seventh house of relationships and partnerships for the next 30 days. Mercury is here as well, and the following day, April 21, Mercury will station retrograde. Watch out for miscommunication within relationships, including with colleagues or clients, for there are bound to be some. If you have any to-dos regarding money like trips to pay for, or other investments, read the fine print and get a second pair of eyes if possible. You may want to think twice about partnering with friends right now if it involves money (did someone say timeshare?). Wait it out before committing. In general, try to avoid any major commitments during this time.

Lin Chen

Sagittarius Rising 

The month kicks off with a full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, which spotlights your eleventh house of friends, network, and community. This is an excellent time to reconnect with friends as well as meet new people. You could find yourself interacting more with your audience or community during this time, online or in real life. This full moon brings your attention to the people who are in your corner, who support you and have your back. You could also have realizations around the type of people you desire to spend time with, who you want in your social circle or audience, and the type of people you want to be in community with. Pay attention to what comes up around this full moon for these themes will be relevant later on in the year when we start getting eclipses in Libra. 

Your relationship dynamics see some relief now that Mars has finally left Gemini, your seventh house of partnerships, after seven months in that area of life causing difficulties and confusion. On Monday, April 10, Venus will enter Gemini to seemingly clean up Mars’s mess. Where there was conflict or strife over the last few months with Mars in Gemini, Venus comes to mend, repair, and cool things down, reminding you of what you have in common versus what separated you from others in the first place. 

The most exciting day of the month involves your ruling planet, Jupiter, which is currently in Aries, your fifth house of pleasure, entertainment, and creativity. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment, which is an annual occurrence that marks the beginning of Jupiter’s synodic cycle. This moment marks your personal new beginning when it comes to your self expression, creativity, sexuality, and hobbies. (This fifth house also rules pregnancy and fertility, spelling luck for some.) In general, this is an amazing rebirth moment that should be celebrated, perhaps by taking a trip or planning one. You could be interested in visiting family, ancestral lands, cultural lands related to heritage, or even potentially creating art that celebrates your identity. A solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19, underscores these themes and also kicks off eclipse season. It’s the first eclipse in Aries since 2015 and it begins a new 1.5 year cycle around your relationship to sexuality, creativity, and pleasure. 

On Thursday, April 20, the Sun enters Taurus and on the following day, Mercury will station retrograde in Taurus, which is your sixth house of work, service, and wellness. With an increased spotlight on this area of life, work could be getting busier and frankly, more stressful for the weeks Mercury is retrograde (until May 14). Do your best to remain centered through the chaos and be extra careful with work communications. 

Capricorn Rising

How does it feel to stretch your wings a bit? Since your ruling planet, Saturn, left Aquarius after three years and entered Pisces in early March, you’ve likely felt more comfortable getting out of your comfort zone. Pisces as a sign has a lot to do with wandering, letting the tides take you to where you need to be. Look into new businesses where you live—shops, restaurants, bars?—and keep stepping out. On Wednesday, April 5, a full moon lights up your tenth house of career, profession, and reputation. This spotlight on your title and roles could lead to revelations around how you feel about this part of your life. Are you doing the work you want to be doing? Are you happy with your titles, roles, and the expectations placed on you? This is a contrast to the developments that have been happening in Aries, the sign opposite Libra and your fourth house of home, privacy, and foundation. Jupiter has been expanding this part of your life for months now and the Sun recently joined to bring light and life into your home space. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment here in Aries, initiating new cycles around your relationship to home and family. That could look like finding and creating a safe space within the home or family unit, connecting with more siblings, or your surroundings. The following week on Wednesday, April 19, a solar eclipse takes place in Aries, further emphasizing these themes. This eclipse kicks off a new 1.5 year cycle around these topics, inviting change and new possibilities. 

Mars is now in Cancer, your seventh house of relationships and partnerships, which could cause some strife and discord with your close connections. Mars has a way of creating excess heat which often leads to separations, arguments, and action to be taken. This could look like spending a significant amount of time away from your partner, or even deliberately cutting ties with someone in your life. Mars will bring whatever underlying issues there are within your relationship dynamics to the surface. The good news is that there is room for conversation and you can work through it together, ultimately arriving to a more secure place.

On Thursday, April 20, the Sun enters Taurus, your fifth house of creativity, pleasure, and entertainment, followed by Mercury stationing retrograde here on April 21. While Mercury retrograde can make for confusion, delays, or misunderstandings when it comes to travel, April is still a great time for adventures—just try to avoid April 20 to 22 for travel if possible (it’s always worse on the days of the retrograde station, because Mercury is essentially not moving at all). Otherwise, the Sun and Mercury lighting up your fifth house can be really fun. It’s a great time for travel related to art or creative endeavors, entertainment, or with children. If you have kids, consider this the time to plan a trip around them. With Mercury spending such a long time in this area of your life, you could be working on a creative project for an extended period of time as well. Have fun with it.

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For Indigenous-led wildlife experiences, design-forward stays, and expedition sailings. 

Aquarius Rising

April has the potential to be a very fun and busy month for you. Since graduating from three years of Saturn in Aquarius, your ringed ruling planet has made its way into Pisces and shifted your focus toward long-term financial planning, and ways you can invest in yourself. Take your time and just stay cautious about your spending habits without withholding too much. You still deserve to have fun. On Wednesday, April 5, a full moon in Libra lights up your ninth house of international travel and journeys. If you’re traveling during this time, fully immerse yourself in the culture you’re visiting with local foods, entertainment, and tours. This full moon brings realizations and revelations about your desires around travel. There are changes coming in this area of life later this year when eclipses hit this part of your chart, inviting you to shift your perspective on life and how you make sense of the world. Are you open and willing to unlearn some of your patterns and beliefs around travel, or other cultures? For now, just pay attention to which themes arise. 

This action in Libra is contrasted by the business in Aries, your third house of transportation, short-distance travel, siblings, and your local area. Jupiter has been enlivening this part of your life for the last few months, but the Sun’s entrance in late March has made things even more exciting. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment in Aries, a special occurrence that marks a new beginning. Expect to become even more busy and active in your neighborhood or city. It’s a great time for sports, game nights, road trips, and short distance travel. You’re likely more willing to spend money locally lately, which is great because there’s tons to do. Look for opportunities to meet new people while learning new skills; try to make it a new habit to invite a friend to an unexpected once a week. You may even feel called to organize a monthly dinner party or bowling night. The first solar eclipse in Aries since 2015 takes place on Wednesday, April 19, greatly underscoring these themes. It’s time for fun in your neighborhood.

Venus also enters Gemini, your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and entertainment, on Monday, April 10. If you’re booking accommodations during this time, make sure they’re comfortable and beautiful—it'll make a huge difference in how you enjoy them.

The Sun enters Taurus on Thursday, April 20, lighting up your fourth house of family, home, and ancestry. The next day on April 21, Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus, bringing an enhanced focus on this area of your life. For those looking to move, this is a great time for house hunting or apartment searching, just try not to make any final decisions or sign paperwork until Mercury retrograde ends on May 14. For others, this is may be the time to do ancestry research! Ask family members or start an online search. What you find could influence your travel decisions in the future.

Pisces Rising

Money’s on your mind lately, and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been moving through Aries, your second house of finances, resources, and livelihood. If you’ve felt a little lost in this area of life as of late, try not to be hard on yourself. These have been confusing times, but April should offer some clarity around ways to move forward. A full moon in Libra on Wednesday, April 5, lights up your eighth house of taxes, debts, and loans, as well as trauma healing and counseling. This full moon will put a spotlight on the ways in which you need support, whether its material, emotional, or otherwise. It’s ok to ask for help. In fact, there are likely plenty of people in your life ready and willing to offer you a hand, the real question is: Do you feel shame around taking it? You could be experiencing revelations around your spending and saving habits, as well as thinking more long-term in general, especially since Saturn has been in Pisces. This full moon foreshadows the eclipses you'll start having in this area of your life come fall, so pay attention to what’s coming up for you. 

In contrast, Jupiter and the Sun in Aries, your second house of finances, are offering you new opportunities to make money. On Tuesday, April 11, the Sun and Jupiter form an exact alignment in Aries, which is a very special day this year, followed by a solar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday, April 19. Both of these events are huge when it comes to your finances as they both symbolize new beginnings. You can think of this moment as your personal yearly rebirth; like your birthday, but directly related to your financial needs. You could be making a big purchase at this time or an investment toward yourself or your business, or you could be receiving opportunities to make more money. Overall, you’re writing new money stories and a new cycle for prosperity that involves investing in yourself. There is a direct connection between how much money you make and your ability to travel and see the world in the ways that you want, so you could find yourself thinking long-term about travel too, especially if you have a big trip planned for the end of the year. 

Mars, the planet responsible for both your finances and your travel, is in Cancer all month, which is your fifth house of creativity and pleasure. If you do find yourself traveling at this time, prioritize fun. You may be on a budget, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find cheap ways to be entertained. Besides, you might have more fun traveling on a budget when you have to get creative with how you spend your money.

The Sun enters Taurus on Thursday, April 20, and Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus the following day. When planets are in Taurus, your third house of local space, neighborhood, and transportation, it tends to be a good time to get out and have fun in your city or town. While Mercury is retrograde here, you could find yourself repeating trips to local spots, which could be great for meeting new people. Invite a friend to co-work at a new coffee spot or plan a farmer’s market date. Just try to avoid any major travel between April 19 to 22 while Mercury is at its slowest—you could run into significant delays or miscommunications related to travel. Otherwise, have fun connecting with old friends throughout this month. 

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